八年级下册英语人教版Unit4笔记 您所在的位置:网站首页 什么sb do sth以及sth don 八年级下册英语人教版Unit4笔记


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Unit 4Section A.

I-get mto a figh with sb = hove a fight with cb = fight with sb 2. allow. vt. 许.准许 allaw doing sth.Cadvise doing)

allow sb. to do. Codvise sb to do) (Should) be allowed to do sth

3. wrong adj.有毛病)出mWhat's wrong wrth?

-nghtThere is. something / ls there anything wroang wrth.? 4.guesshNt 测 guess sth.

lci测 We. have three guesses have. a guess. at… 对-做猜测 5-deal n! 协议make/do a deal with sb (与某人)达成议

That's a deal 成交

a big deal 大 重要的事

vi- dedt 应付对应deal wth 应付.对付do uth.

How do you deal with the presswe? What db you do uth the presswe?


be allowed to do allow sb to. d.

deale)—with 过式 communicatewith. argue with in stead of return sth to sb. look thraugh work out

get on/along uth sb 8ome presure from schol

compete unth in one's. opinron. have a quick breakifast Compete with



6. relation lqllul 系 relotionchip.lcl. 15

The relation between the two countries is getting better and getter 1. communicate .vi. communicatewth

Communi cation Jul have. communication with & arguelviv争. argue wrth sb

argue about sth

8. cloud 1Li//uia,R. There Isn't a cloud in the sky. cloudy adj.

已只做定 lo. elder .adj:(.). elder brothe.. older ay.指大的,指较旧的可5than 连用 1l. instead adv.代,反.P 放同首求尾

instd of 4. tn-/pron./v..

12. Whatever pon.pt)每一3名词状语从,如目从真从

1 like to do whatever yu want:

②无什么= no matter what 引导让步状语从 Whatever we want, ow parents aluays satisfy us When eve = No matte. when. 2何

Wheever =No natter who 人

Wherever=No matter. where.无论何处什么也73步状信从 However = No matter how

nervus. alj. E. be nevus about sth ofer v., 自. ofto sb sth= offr sth to cb.

=provide sth for sb> provide sb uth sth. 建

Poper a)a proper way Dus

properly alvhte We shald use the onpute propely


16.second nxh=

se condly adv. .. firstly/ thirdly lastly


.explam, vt解.说 expain (sth) to sb [8.clear. ad.清易、请折

explain sth. He an explainthe wods dearly. clearly adv.

If. copy. vt p. cpy. one's homework



IL 印.n a wpy of book

2. retum. vt. Ds=give bak. Rtwn sb sth=retwm. sth to sh

=give sth back to sb.

回来.返回= ome backl go back:

. anymorev.). .He besnt like anymore 22. look throngh 快看.浏览,

23. Its not a. big deal沒什4)..

24. work out .发. 1 hope thingswrh out for yu.


O.解. wrkont. these probens

9 出. work out the math problem. 15. get on wth= get along wth.关3良好 get aon./along mell uth. sh./sth.

26. aftor - schol classes i课辅导7 7. hang over 是 .

28- be nile to sb Cfriedly/ hind



A mind sb(omes) doing sth, 介意做某 3a leave Sth+h +地 >/ 31. speak (n front of people) 在A们面讲活 32. not -: anymre

型.Why not do sth!= Why don't you do sth?

What/ how abot ding?

Shald we b…? Would yu like to b-? Let's db....

33. 状信从ountil :肯自到-止.

否友— ntwntil—

( So that= in oder that +a. M为) 3目的状从

in order to d

So tad)/adv.+that以3引3 34. althorgh /thangh 状75(不直but)


J.member k 分 a family member

a member of

2.press rt.挤压按,

pressure lu/cl . (be) under pre ssure.

have lots of. pressure fron. 3. Compete vi ;对比 compete… with 和…

Compete for

4. opinion. /L,想法,看法. in one's opinion.在某人看来 5. skill Jul /IL 技 have skill in

6. typical 型 a ty pical family.

be typical

1. qui ck. ady/adv.的Ct) Be quick 快点.

have a quick , breakfast 快走也吃饭 quickly alv.快, more/most quickly

fast dj./adv.快网(b)(建度快)

son 很快adv. C) 1'L be back sun.

8. continue, vt持. Continue to do.做(不一事

con tinue doing = go on bing S (FM) 9. compare v.t compare:—— with…… …………比

compare to-t

lo. crary ad 理(mad) be crazy about..

drive sb. crazy./ mad 把- Il. push rt. 策.保 push sb to do促:


1a.cut out. ww.Hencut out the end o the article (w成)


-deve lope vi/rt.发展. Our. country Is. developing better and better

养( develpe interests./hobbies/ habits de velopingbdj/ 发展中

deve.loped lob.)发达

development. (ul, with the derelopment of…- 随着:的发展 14. cause rt 成引. causesth

cause sb to d 导某做 n. 起 the cause of

15.usual a unusual udj. 通的.的./不的.

as usual 像任第一择, 16—perhaps adv. 可能. 大 Perhaps yox're. happy

17. spend time alone o

18.give sb a. lot of pressure abont- 19. have. after-school classes.

20. cause.. fr sh给某传成 15

Cause trouble for

L. be. the frst time-/best to do. sth 12.after-school activities. 课外治动 23, from a yong age.

24. It's tme. for sth =1t's. .to.do



although/ though. (不but).既便.让步状语从












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